On the surface, cooking from scratch and providing your family with real food can seem overwhelming. Not only can it end up being more time-consuming than buying things premade, but if you’re new to this way of life, you’re probably learning about a lot of new things. You probably wish there was a way you could …
Food Based Christmas Gifts Everyone Will Love
For the next installment of our Simplifying Christmas series, I’m going to talk about simple gifts you have make and give: food! Food-based gifts are awesome, especially if you or the person your giving them too prefer to be more minimal and not have a ton of extra stuff around their house.Since food is consumable …
How to Buy Lots of Christmas Gifts on a Budget
In the spirit of getting ready for Christmas, my December posts are going to be centered around how to make the most out of the holiday season without overloading yourself or your budget. Check out the Table of Contents at the end of this post for more posts in the series! I’ll add them as …
Homemade Christmas Gifts to Start Now
In the spirit of getting ready for Christmas, my December posts are going to be centered around how to make the most out of the holiday season without overloading yourself or your budget. Check out the Table of Contents at the end of this post for more posts in the series! I’ll add them as …
Stress-Free Thanksgiving: Too Good to Be True?
No matter the size of the group you’re hosting this year for Thanksgiving, hosting this festive feast can come with its own unique set of stressors. As a holiday that revolves around food, Thanksgiving can place a lot of the work on one room (the kitchen) and one host (you) to get everything done. This …
10 Ways to Stay Healthy as a Stay-at-Home Mom
If you’re anything like me, you spend so much time taking care of your child or children that you reach the end of the day exhausted and wonder where your day went. While this does make the days just seem fly by, it can also lead to us as mothers not taking care of our …
Why You Don’t Have to be Poor to Shop Secondhand
Shopping secondhand, thrifting, going to the consignment store. Whatever you call it, buying used clothing, home decor, and many other things can save you money. Whether you shop used out of necessity because that’s all you can afford, you choose to do so to save money, or any of the other wonderful reasons to shop …
Top To Do List Apps for Moms
As a mom, do you wish you had one place you could collect your whole to do list so you could always see which task you need to complete next? These five apps for Apple devices can have you organize your life into bite-size chunks that you can check off as you keep track of …
How to Save Money on Baby Stuff
How much can one baby cost? Especially when it’s your first child, it seems like a lot. Children “being expensive” is why some people shy away from having kids. While some increase in expenses is a given with each addition to your family, particularly in areas such as food and clothing as your child gets older, …
14+ Free Things You Can Get from Libraries
As a kid, do you remember the magic of going to the library? They probably had more books in one place than you could fathom someone owning. You could chec out a book on almost every subject imaginable, and all for free. I worked in my local library for a year and still help them …