I love listening to podcasts.
Whether I’m loading the dishwasher, folding the laundry, or driving to work, you can usually find me with a podcast playing. Since I take my kids to work (I’m our church’s secretary) and I’m home with them the rest of the time, it’s important to me that what I’m listening to is wholesome for little ears as well (I don’t usually listen with earbuds in so I can still hear and help the kids when they need me).
Because of this, most of my favorite podcasts have ended up being those put out by Lutherans or other Christians.
But this doesn’t mean that they only talk about theology!
In this list of my favorite podcasts, you’ll find shows with episodes covering food/cooking, pregnancy and birth, parenting/motherhood, friendships, routines, and more!
If you know of any more Lutheran (or non-Lutheran but still biblically solid) podcasts (or have one yourself!) that are putting out new episodes, let me know! I always love finding new podcasts to listen to, especially if they’re put out by Lutheran women!
Note: a fair number of these podcast channels don’t currently have new episodes coming out, but even the ones with older episodes have plenty of great content to listen through! I completely get moms wanting to start podcasts and then realizing they need to take a step back from them so as to better care for their families. That’s essentially what has often with this blog as well. But it’s so lovely to have these sound resources available to use anytime, even if they’re currently being updated.
Lutheran Podcasts for Moms
Freely Given

I heard of this podcast awhile ago and followed it so I wouldn’t forget the name, but it wasn’t until more recently that I started listening to it and found Lutheran moms talking about all sorts of mom topics as well as theology!
I love their episode on birth and giving grace toward each other, no matter how or where we choose to give birth or whether our births went the way we had hoped.
They put out new episodes 1-2 times per week, and they have episodes on lots of topics ranging from living out our vocations at home to discussions on current events and trends from a Lutheran perspective.
Friends for Life

This is another great podcast focused on how we can be pro-life in practical ways at our home. This includes things like talking to our kids about how life begins at conception and how we treat others well even if they’re different than us.
I especially love their episodes about marriage and parenting from a pro-life perspective. Their episode about the parallels between birth and baptism is a really great listen!
Stop the White Noise

I’ve enjoyed Rev. Jonathan Fisk’s content through the years, but I didn’t realize until recently that he has a podcast with his wife in which they discuss all sorts of topics. Some of those topics are family-related and others are theological or current events questions that listeners send in for the Fisks to answer.
My husband listens to this one a lot more while he drive to work. The Fisks put out weekly, 3-hour long podcasts, so there’s lots of content to listen to! They list time stamps in the show notes with the topics they discuss on each episode, so if you don’t want to listen to the full three hours, you can just skip around to the topics that you’re most interested in.
They occasionally publish shorter episodes pulled from questions they’ve answered on longer shows, which are really nice if you want something shorter to listen to or if you would like to share their answer to a question with someone without sending a whole, 3-hour-long show.
Life in Relationship

As the name suggests, this podcast focuses on the relationships in our lives from a Lutheran perspective.
This includes marriage and parenting, but also relationships with friends and acquaintances. Heidi is a mental health therapist and explores topics from a Lutheran perspective.
Living Our Vocations

This podcast was put on my the blog Sister, Daughter, Mother, Wife, and like that name says, it’s all about living our vocations as women in all stages of life.
They haven’t put out any new episodes since 2017, but the episodes they have up are great!
Ordinary Time

While this podcast has only had four episodes, they’re packed full of practical advice for incorporating liturgical living into our lives as young moms.
Liturgical living can be overwhelming to implement if you try to start everything all at once, but April and Lauren talk about how we can incorporate elements of it into our lives in such a way that it can enrich them instead of adding stress.
Most Certainly Motherhood

I found this podcast when I was pregnant with my first child and loved listening to two crunchy Lutheran moms talking about natural birth and motherhood.
They only have 13 episodes and haven’t added any since January 2019, but all their episodes are still all available (at least on Apple Podcasts where I listen to my podcasts). The content that Kezia and Amanda cover around pregnancy, birth, motherhood, and more is still just as applicable today as it was 5 years ago.
Fun fact: listening to this podcast about birth from the perspective of two Lutheran moms is what made me want to put together more resources about pregnancy, birth, and postpartum for Lutheran moms who want something more than secular and/or Catholic resources.
The Wittenberg Hour

This podcast is put out by Wittenberg Academy, an online high school for Lutherans, but it’s not just about education and reading!
While I love listening to those episodes as well, The Wittenberg Hour also has podcasts about the gospel and how it intertwines with our homes and marriages.
All the Household

I will admit, I haven’t actually listened to this podcast because it’s part of their paid patron program, which I would love to do sometime but is just not in the budget at this time.
However, if it’s anything as good as all their free content and recipes that’s they have available on their site, it will be amazing!
You can check out their topics on their Patreon site before signing up, and they look so practical for applying liturgical living in our homes on an everyday level.
Non-Lutheran Podcasts for Moms
Finding Joy in your Home

This was probably one of the first podcasts that I found that was about incorporating our faith into our homemaking, and why homemaking can be a way to serve and love others, not just days full of drudgery and menial tasks. Hence the name of her blog and podcast.
While Jami is not Lutheran, I have found her to be pretty biblically solid, especially in aspects that relate to homemaking.
Jami focuses on building routines into our days, cooking healthy, from scratch meals without being in the kitchen all day, and how to make our households productive in ways that glorify God and serve those around us, especially our nearest neighbors: our families.
Diapers and Disciples

When first I started looking for Christian podcasts and blogs about motherhood, some of my favorites that I found were Catholic.
Yes, there are obviously differences between Catholicism and Lutheranism (that is why Lutheranism exists, after all). However, if you move past a bit of the parts about praying to Mary and the saints, Catholic podcasts can be a lot less “works of salvation” focused than some more non-denominational or reformed podcasts.
Diapers and Disciples hasn’t had any new episodes added since the fall of 2022, but with over 100 episodes about incorporating our faith into our daily life, marriage, pregnancy, birth and postpartum, and more, it would be quite awhile before you’d run out of episodes to listen to!
M is for Mama

This is a newer podcast. I’m so glad she started a podcast because I love following her on Instagram and her first book “M is for Mama” is amazing and a must-read for all moms out there. She also has a second book that just came out called “Hard is Not the Same Thing as Bad”, and if it’s anywhere near as good as her first book it’s bound to be good!
She provides practical, down-to-earth advice about being a mom and parenting toddlers, teens, and all ages in between. She also has all of her birth stories (she has 10 kids, including 2 sets of twins!) on the podcast as well, in case you like listening to those kinds of stories as much as I do.
If you prefer reading to listening, check out my post on my favorite blogs written by crunchy, Christian moms!
And if you have any Lutheran podcasts that I didn’t list here, please comment and let me know what they are! I love finding more theologically sound podcasts to listen to!